What is UBF?
The University Bible Fellowship is a non-denominational, evangelistic campus organization focused on raising disciples of Jesus who can live sacrificial lives for the gospel and contribute to society and their nation by preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to college students and young people. U.B.F. serves world evangelism by raising lay missionaries and sending them throughout the world.
For this purpose, U.B.F. teaches the Bible to college students and young people and helps them to live according to the teachings of the Scriptures and to practice the world mission command of Jesus (Acts 1:8). The University Bible Fellowship is a mainline evangelical organization and is dedicated to the task of student evangelism.
Origin of UBF
The University Bible Fellowship was founded on September 1, 1961, in the midst of national turmoil following the 4/19 nationwide demonstration and the 5/16 coup d’etat. At the time, Korean college students who were supposed to be the future leaders of the country fell into deep despair due to the social instability and the deteriorating value system of the times. At that time, Dr. Samuel Lee (1931-2002) was ministering to college students in the Daein Church, in Kwangju after graduating from a Presbyterian seminary. Dr. Lee met Missionary Sarah Barry who volunteered to come to Korea to help this war-devastated country. She was sent by the Board of World Missions of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.-Southern, and is currently working at the Chicago U.B.F. as a world representative.
They shared a common belief that the best way to help Korea and the world was to plant faith and hope for the future in the hearts of college students with a life-giving spirit so that they would grow to be future leaders. To this end, they began to pray with the prayer topic, “Bible Korea, World Mission” and studied the Bible with college students. This was the beginning of the University Bible Fellowship.
Statement of Belief
1 We believe that there is one God in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
2 We believe that God created the heavens and the earth and all other things in the universe: that He is the Sovereign Ruler of all things; that the Sovereign God reveals Himself; we believe in his redemptive work and in his final judgment.
3 We believe that the Bible is inspired by God; that it is the truth; that it is the final authority in faith and practice.
4 We believe that since the fall of Adam, all people have been under the bondage and power of sin and are deserving of the judgment and wrath of God.
5 We believe that Jesus Christ, who is God and man, through his atoning, sacrificial death on the cross for our sins and his resurrection, is the only way of salvation; he alone saves us from sin and judgment and purifies us from the contamination of the world caused by sin.
6 We believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father.
7 We believe that regeneration is by the work of the Holy Spirit and that it is necessary if one is to enter the kingdom of God. We believe that God sent his Holy Spirit to empower his church to witness Jesus to the ends of the earth.
8 We believe that we are made righteous by grace alone, through faith alone.
9 We believe that the Holy Spirit works in the heart of every believer to lead him.
10 We believe that the church is the body of Christ and that all Christians are members of it.
11 We believe that Jesus will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead.
Link to UBF HQ
UBF : University Bible Fellowship
UBF is an international campus ministry that is dedicated to spreading the gospel & raising disciples all around the world.