Bible Study/Messages5 The Living Hope | 1 Peter 1:1-12 Peter encouraged the believers with the living hope in the kingdom of God. This hope enables us to live as a royal priesthood and a holy nation no matter what the world is like. The living hope gives us security, great joy, and genuine love. Let’s accept the living hope of the kingdom of God in our hearts. 2024. 6. 19. BY GOD’S GRACE ALONE | Acts 15:1-35 In this passage we learn that we are saved by God’s grace alone. It is not by anything we have done, but by what God has done for us in Jesus. When we believe Jesus as our Lord and Savior, God forgives our sins, purifies our hearts, and gives us the Holy Spirit. It is totally God’s grace. This grace makes us thankful to God. This grace enables us to work hard for God’s world mission purpose. Thi.. 2023. 6. 15. Turn From Worthless Things to the Living God | Acts 14:1-28 Anything else you chase after in life that doesn’t lead you toward God’s Kingdom is worthless and ultimately, a dead hope. I pray that by remembering all the ways He has shown His goodness and grace upon you, you will turn away from worthless things in your life. I pray you will give the Living God all your heart, all your strength, all your hopes and all your worship no matter what you face in .. 2023. 6. 14. A Light for the Gentiles | Acts 13:1-52 Then who are Gentiles today for us? It is anyone who does not know God and Jesus personally yet–regardless of his or her human condition–he or she is a Gentile. He can be your friend, colleague or your family member. To all of these people, we must reveal the love of God and saving grace of Jesus by sharing the gospel with them through words, deeds, and good influence. Will there be rejection? Y.. 2023. 6. 14. 이전 1 2 다음